Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami

WOW! What a great book. My friend and client suggested Murikami, a very popular novelist from Japan whose books have recently been translated to English.

The book switches characters between a young run away with an Oedipal curse and an old man who was involved in some unexplained oddity during WW2 who now talks to cats, but can't read or write anymore.

 Honestly, I do not fully understand what happened, but it was so fun to read and try to figure it out. The stories of the two do come together, as with most stories, but exactly how? not sure.   It was really interesting, but as I said, I am still not 100% sure what happened! I believe that is what the author intends. He seems to want us to come to our own conclusions.. I have some theories, but it still remains a fascinating mystery.

Time and space parallels? Purgatory? It has been described by one critic as "insistently metaphysical mind-bender".  Well said.

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