Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Reamde - Neal Stephenson

Wow, this is a great story.  Not my usual genre, but very exciting.

This is why libraries have value to Authors. I checked out the book on my Kindle for Ipad through the library. I had to wait 1 month to get the book and I only get it for 3 weeks. Then I have to get back on the waiting list. I won't finish it in time.

I bought it on Amazon for $10.79.  I rarely buy books but this one is too good to wait a month to pick up again and it is long. over 1000 pages.

Also this book blog is being rendered obsolete by goodreads.com. but I thought I would take a moment to share this story.  See you on goodreads!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami

WOW! What a great book. My friend and client suggested Murikami, a very popular novelist from Japan whose books have recently been translated to English.

The book switches characters between a young run away with an Oedipal curse and an old man who was involved in some unexplained oddity during WW2 who now talks to cats, but can't read or write anymore.

 Honestly, I do not fully understand what happened, but it was so fun to read and try to figure it out. The stories of the two do come together, as with most stories, but exactly how? not sure.   It was really interesting, but as I said, I am still not 100% sure what happened! I believe that is what the author intends. He seems to want us to come to our own conclusions.. I have some theories, but it still remains a fascinating mystery.

Time and space parallels? Purgatory? It has been described by one critic as "insistently metaphysical mind-bender".  Well said.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lying with the Dead - Michael Memshaw

Alan Cheuse, National Public Radio's longtime "voice of books," has called him “the best novelist in America that nobody knows.”

I agree! Very well written novel that deals with a family member murdered by another family member. Written from the perspective of each of the three siblings, each one so very different, yet all tied together by one tragically dysfunctional mother. At times it reads like three books, but it all comes together well. I really enjoyed this book, probably will put this on my all time best list.

Friday, April 20, 2012

latest reads.
Journey of a Thousand Miles - Biography of Lang Lang by David Ritz.  Fluffy story of Lang Lang, Chinese pianist. What parents do to ensure their children's success. WOW.

Lacuna - Barbara Kingsolver - Slow at first, but slowly this became a very good story. Stong political statements are made by the end, but in the beginning you would have no idea it would take that turn. Another great Kingsolver book. Poisonwood Bible is still among my favs.

Trawler: A Journey Through the North Atlantic - Redmond O'Hanlon.  I can't think of many books I couldnt get through, even when I wanted to quit, I have finished the book. Not this one. I just couldnt do it any more. Longwinded ramblings of sleep deprived fishermen which, as far as I could tell, really had no meaning to the story itself. I gave up on this one.

Lying With the Dead. Micheal Mewshaw. How did I stumble upon this? I am not even sure. It is a great book so far. It has been a while since I have been so wrapped up in a story from the first paragraph. The story is told by three children, one of which killed their dad when they were young.  Heavy at times, fun and lighthearted at times. I am not done yet so I'll add more later.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Finished All about Lulu by class mate Jon Evison.  I liked it! It was a fun, quick read. I found another Bainbridge reference! Obergottsburger! He was a class mate of ours! I never have heard that name before. Funny.

The book was a refreshing coming of age story with some interesting twists. I can't wait to read West of Here now.

I just finished Orange County Noir, a collection of short stories all taking place in Orange County and all are really weird and morbid, very Orange County like. It reminds me of a book that still haunts me several years later. Bright Shiny Morning by James Frey. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

reading what ever I want now!

I won this book on a book blog site, three guys one book, featuring Jon Evison from BI. I went to school with him. http://threeguysonebook.com
the book is The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt.  It was a good book, about two brothers who are contract killers back in the wild west.

Just as I was about done with it, Prashant handed me a flash drive. On it was Shantaram,  Gregory David Roberts. It was 1200 pages! Thankfully it was really good. It is the story of a man who breaks out of jail in New Zealand and flees to Bombay to start a new life.  Fascinating tale that takes him to the slums, to remote villages and even to the Afghanistan war (against Russia at that time).  He captures Bombay (Mumbai now) very well. I felt like I know Mumbai and its people.   Prashant and I discussed it a few times, I felt that the main character is a big wuss really, he is in love with a woman who doesn't love him back, yet his quest for his love never stops. He meets a man who becomes like a father to him and teaches him philosophy, he is such a soft character, a man really in touch with his emotions. Prashant seees him as a tough soldier!  funny how we both have differing views on the main character. He is very complex.

Now I am finally reading Evison. I got his first one "All About Lulu" from the library. I really enjoy his style. In the beginning when he meets Lulu, he describes her a Mr Potato. All the parts are weird, but they come together to make something beautiful.  It is a coming of age story set in the 80s, when we were coming of age! But, its purely fictional as far as I can tell. The only real reference I have found is his high school counselor, Larry Pitts. He was real.  I am a little over half way, when I am done, I will post a follow up.